Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Music

Here is a link to my Youtube channel. I am not posting my violin practice stuff there. These are other things I have written.

Day 7

I started playing the violin 7 days ago. Hell, I touched my first violin at the same time! I am a guitar player and I can play piano as well. I want to expand my horizons so I picked up this violin. It was that or the cello, which may come sooner or later. I like the challenge of something new. We all do I guess.

The violin is like nothing I have played before. Different way of holding the instrument, different posture, different hand motions and above all, no frets or keys to show you where to put your fingers! But we must not go gently into that good night and go headstrong into learning this magnificent instrument.

Why am I creating this? Not so much to journalize my experience with the violin (or whatever) but more to get feedback. What sounds good, what does not. What needs improvement (and how), and what we are progressing nicely on. That sort of thing.

Below you will find either a video or a link to a video of me describing my violin and maybe some sound files that I have created to show status thus far, a week in.

Comments and you are always welcome!

My Intro Vid...

My Violing Vid...